Thursday, January 28, 2010

The mute wall...

She sat there, staring at the wall,
bemused by the unknown..

The feeling was mysterious,

she hadn't felt it too often before...

It engulfed her quite often now,

like a spring tide,
plunging upon the homes ashore..
It soaked up her heart,
till its flames died..

She could feel the heart squinch,

It was getting harder to breath..
The air seemed so murky..
She didn't know why,
why life had turned so unendurable..

what is the endeavor all about?

Why the battle after all?

Walls don't speak,

she got no answer..

She just stared, restrained,

and it stared back,

so fiercely that she looked away..

All she knew was that
it was a battle,
and she had to fight..

There was no purpose..

But no warrior fights for a purpose
He fights only to save his life..
And she stopped staring
at the mute wall that day..
